School Day Out Programs for Students K-5

The Greater Wichita YMCA's School Day Out and Break Camp programs are staffed by the Y and held at select area elementary schools and/or our area branch locations. The programs provide full-day programs for kids, from kindergarten through fifth grade, to enjoy during scheduled school closures, whether it’s just one-day or an entire week.

School Day Out and Break Camp programs offers affordable, KDHE-licensed, high-quality child care in a safe, comfortable setting that combines social and physical activities and educational content that keeps kids active and engaged when school is closed. Host sites allow for easy drop-off/pick-up but do not require Y membership or registration in specific school districts. ALL kids (based on age) are welcome at any program site during any program date. All programs provide a nutritious breakfast to morning participants and a healthy snack for afternoon participants - all participants must bring their own sack lunch daily.

Need Before and After School Care?

What’s the KEY to a well-rounded child? Here at the Greater Wichita YMCA we look to Knowledge, Enrichment and Youth Development as important factors – we call it our KEY Academy program. The program runs before and after school for grade levels K through 5. 

Key Academy participants save on break camps.