The Y is a place where the Melton family belongs
The Greater Wichita YMCA is a place where all of us belong. We participate in classes, programs and sports for many different reasons, but one thing is constant: the Y makes us feel welcome, accepted and loved. From that truth grew the #YiBELONG campaign.
The Y is a unifying force throughout the communities we serve, and we’re so much more than swimming pools and weight rooms. It’s about the Y being there for cancer survivors who want to get moving again, individuals who are re-learning how to walk after a stroke, elementary school students who just need a safe space to grow mentally and physically before and after school and so many more. Families make up the Y, and the Y is family.
Every person who comes here has a story to tell of how he or she has been impacted by the Y. We asked our members, participants, donors and staff to share why they belong at the Y on social media. We are honored to share some of the multitude of #YiBELONG responses we received.
Let us introduce you to the Melton family. Here is their own story in their own words about why they belong at Y summer camps.
We feel an amazing connection with Camp Hyde and their counselors. We have been sending our children to camp for six years. Since day one, the kids have felt they are part of a vast extended family when they go to camp every summer. The counselors my kids have been with year after year don't change, which says much about how the counselors enjoy their jobs and the campers.
We all feel they are safe when at camp, and each counselor we have interacted with does their best to ensure each child is included in the activities and has the best summer. My oldest is in sixth grade and is looking forward to summer camp this summer. My youngest used to get jealous of his siblings every year. He is super excited to start his summers with Camp Hyde. My middle child loves how caring his counselors are and loves the end of May when he gets to be in camp.