Branch Director
Emily McVay, Greater Wichita YMCA

Emily McVay, Branch Director


Kasey Williams, Senior Program Director

Aquatics, Dance, Gymnastics, Youth & Family, Sports and Late Night
Kasey has been with the Greater Wichita YMCA for twelve years and is very excited to be working with the South staff and community. Kasey has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology/Human Services and a master’s in organizational development from Friends University.

Brandon Reif, Greater Wichita YMCA

Brandon Reif, Wellness Director

Bachelors in Exercise Science
ACE Group Fitness, Ace Weight Management Specialist, Ace Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Foundations of Strength
Weight loss, Corrective exercise, Exercise programming, Functional Training, Strength Training, MMA, Wrestling, Group Fitness & Bootcamp.

Brandon joined the YMCA in 2006 as a lifeguard and in 2009 started his personal training journey. He has experience working with all ages and fitness levels including military members as well as special needs clients and those with physical limitations.

He pursued a degree in Exercise Science at Wichita State University and holds an Ace Group Fitness Certification.

His passion for fitness started at a young age. He was introduced to baseball at the age of 5 and continued to play for many years. Soccer was the next sport added to the resume playing for three years and then Brandon found wrestling and that’s when things became serious. To be the best wrestler, he had to become a better athlete and that’s when the weight training started, and nutrition became key. He wrestled all the way through college, ending his career at York Christian College. While at York he walked onto the track team and threw javelin and qualified for nationals. After college, Brandon continued to expand his experience in athletics, becoming a powerlifter; going on to compete in men’s physique competitions, CrossFit, obstacle racing, Brazilian jujitsu, archery, and mixed martial arts.


Bella Warne, Membership Director

Bella is an undergraduate student at Wichita State University. She first started at the South YMCA as a gymnastics instructor in 2018, but has since grown in the Y and served in multiple departments. From teaching dance and gymnastics, life guarding the pools, to manager on duty in membership, Bella has discovered her passion of helping others and keeping the YMCA a fun and safe place or all of our members. 


Jessi Coleman, Aquatics Director II

Jessi began her career April 2009 right here at the Richard A. DeVore South YMCA as a lifeguard. She has filled many important roles throughout the years, and she is very excited to be our Aquatics Coordinator. Jessi is pursuing her degree at Wichita State University. She is very passionate about water safety and the impact of swim lessons.


Kelly Homan, Sports Director

BA in Sports Management, Wichita State University

Kelly has over 10 years of experience in organized sports between interning with the KJCCC, Wichita Sports Commission NBC World Series. Kelly worked as the Sports Coordinator at the Northwest YMCA before transitioning to the South YMCA as the Sports Director.

Lace Slates, Greater Wichita YMCA

Lace Slates, Youth & Family Coordinator

Lace' joined the YMCA in 2024 as the Youth and Family Coordinator and is a long-time childcare professional. Originally, she aimed to be a Kindergarten teacher and studied at Butler Community College but during her study she obtained her child development associates in 2018 and has since spent seven years in the childcare field. She has a strong passion for the development of children and loves making connections with children and families.

Ayanna Hollis, Greater Wichita YMCA

Ayanna Hollis, Gymnastics Coordinator

Ayanna grew up in Seattle, Washington moving to Wichita in 2022. She has over 15 years of experience in gymnastics and has a huge passion for kids and coaching. Ayanna is honored to be a part of the South YMCA family and is excited to be our Gymnastics Coordinator.

Personal Trainers

Jeri Edwards, Personal Trainer

Associates in Science
YMCA Certified Personal Trainer, CPR/AED
Weightlifting/Weight Training

Jeri began her own fitness journey about 8 months after turning 30 years old, losing right over 65 pounds over the course of a few years. As she progressed through this journey, the YMCA became a big part of it, along with its members. With that passion and while working in Membership, Jeri started to feel like she could better help others begin, continue, or progress their own fitness journey's by becoming a personal trainer; so she began the process of becoming certified through the YMCA in order to provide opportunity to others. She brings fun and energy to every training experience, enjoying every connection built with a client or member through interactions both big and small. Her goal is to help motivate and drive those who are struggling with where they are, and to help those new to physical fitness find the perfect fit program for them in their current stage and fitness level.

Mitchell Monteith, Greater Wichita YMCA

Mitchell Monteith, Personal Trainer

Working Towards a Master's Degree in Exercise Science at WSU

Mitch is from a small town in southwest Oklahoma called Duncan. His interest in studying the science of the human body began Junior year of high school when he accepted an offer to play football at Bethel College. Upon arriving at Bethel, he began the Health and Human Performance program while playing football for the next three years. Mitch’s goal is to become a collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coach and to serve and help others better themselves along the journey.

Nancy Thach, Greater Wichita YMCA

Nancy Thach, Personal Trainer

Bachelor’s in Exercise Science and Minor in Entrepreneurship
Strength and functional fitness, cardiovascular endurance, and mobility

Nancy developed a passion for fitness after she found it to help her through some of the toughest times in her life as fitness itself has relieved stress, boosted her confidence, and overall made her happier. It impacted her mental and physical health and changed her life for the better.  She loves to make others feel confident in their body no matter what. She loves to hype and motivate people, make them feel comfortable, and ensure them that their fitness goals will be reached.  She wants to use her knowledge and passion for fitness to help others. She works with anyone of any age and specializes in strength and functional fitness, cardiovascular endurance, and mobility. 

Nancy loves to run, especially outside with nature. She also loves to box/kickbox. And she loves to dance, specifically pop/hip-hop dancing. As her favorite fitness quote states, “What seems impossible today will one day become your warm-up”.